Quantum Tools to Take Your Feng Shui Business Online
*A Live Workshop*
$45 USD

Virtual Realm:
The New Frontier for Feng Shui

Develop & Deepen your Virtual Consultations
with Tools to Help Grow Your Online Business
In the workshop we'll cover:
How to stand apart from the crowd by creating your visual identity with virtual tools.
How to develop your virtual consultation toolkit so you can better serve your clients.
Ways you can continue your education in the ever-changing virtual world, because one thing is constant: change!
How you can propel your business potential - No longer are we limited to obtaining business in our backyards!
Ways that you'll make your workday easier, effective, and feel more impactful.
How to calibrate and maintain your own personal energy to your own best 100% between consultations.
Our motivation in evolving our techniques! Let's face it, our client family needs us to be whole and healthy!
How many of us have said, "Man, I should have completed my psychology degree so I could more completely assist my clients with their immense stress"?
In today's world, it's more apparent than ever that Feng Shui is being longed for and reached for when it comes to living harmoniously, aligned, and for STRESS REDUCTION!
Truth be told, there is more of a NEED for our work in creating harmonious spaces and energy than there is VISIBLE Feng Shui Professionals and energy workers. Practitioners are aplenty, but it creates a certain calling, motivation, and fire energy to "come out of the closet as a professional", offering unique services.
The word of the year in our profession is COLLABORATION! We're stronger together than separate.
In this workshop, I'll walk you through my system of conducting a Virtual Consultation, and share with you my ancient and modern modalities so you can see and feel with CLARITY what your VIRTUAL approach could become.
Let's have a discussion about how YOUR CONSULTATIONS may be enhanced to help your unique GIFTS shine for your clients, and let's MAGNETIZE your energy to your clients.
Each participant will receive a UNIQUE CLEARING and BLESSING to help propel you forward.
If this resonates with you, and you're sensing a calling to expand and evolve with the times, I invite you to interact with me in this special session.
Many blessings x9!
Join the Webinar!
Select a date and time:
4/14, 4/21,or 4/28: 2:30pm EST
Sign-up to receive the Zoom Invitation and Link to Join.
You'll also receive access to a recording so you don't have to take notes.
$45 USD will be invoiced
E-Mail: lisa@cloud9fengshui.com
Text: (727) 204-7062

Feng Shui Careers are Prosperous
Be honest. What's Your "Day Job"?
As a mentor to Feng Shui practitioners and spiritual-based business owners; I heard you loud and clear.
You want to serve your customer base in a way that uses your energy best and compensates you well.
Well, I've found a way to do just that.
I'm willing to share my secrets with you.
Sign-up and not only receive my virtual tools, but also receive a renewed energy towards forwarding your business.
It is my honor to serve.
Many blessings x9!